Hello Fellow Nordic Skiers & Snowshoe Enthusiasts
Here we are once again in the midst of winter, at the mercy of fickle snow conditions. Regardless, make an effort and plan a few outings before it all melts away. Could this be one of the worst winters in memory? Sure seems like it.
Certainly in southern Ontario, there has been less of a snow base, and across the province fewer snow dumps = old crusty snow conditions for longer periods.
Globe warming is real and we all need to do something about it. Fast!
I’m not trying to bum you out here, just be ready and willing when the opportunities arise, as there seems to be fewer days to escape outdoors. Our neighbours in the “north” still have the white stuff. But for how long?
I’ll say it again, don’t judge the province as a whole by what you see out your window near Lake Ontario. By Algonquin Park northward there is a good snow base, though at times these mild temps bring rain. Plan to drive a little further north will bring you winter bliss.
Always check our amazing snow depth and the week’s forecast weather maps for new snow. And the resort itself to be sure the trails are good.

I wanted to mention a few items to keep you all informed…
No Emailed Newsletter – I have decided, for now, to stop sending my emailed Newsletters to my 2500 subscribers. The cost to send only 3 or 4 OST Newsletters every winter was getting expensive $$.
I may arrange other means to send them in the future, I have a few ideas… For now, look at my blog posts to get any news updates. If I ever publish a ski trail guide book I’ll send you an email announcement…which leads into…
Trail Guide Delayed – Unfortunately my thoughts of publishing a book this winter have yet again been deferred to later. Having written three other trail guide books for my other interest, cycling – see ontariobiketrails.com , I know fully well how large an undertaking it is to self-publish a book.
Frankly, I just didn’t have it in me after putting in 5 months last spring for my last book. I still wish to publish a Nordic ski and snowshoe trail guidebook for Ontario. We’ll see if I am up to it this year.
Submit your Nordic Ski & Snowshoe Trails (for FREE) – In the meantime, am always willing to post new Nordic Ski and Snowshoe destinations on the OST site. If you know of a good location that should be on my site maps then send me a note. I’ll try to get there or at least post a listing of your ski/snowshoe loops for all to see.
Here is what I need:
Send me a link to your club website and Facebook page. Include photos similar to what you see on this site.
- Photos of the trails, groomed and with people on them in the background. (The skiers and snowshoers give scale and interest to the shots.) Most faces reproduce so small and are far away to be recognized. If they can be, please make sure they give permission to be published.
- Include photos of your chalet (inside and out), trail signs, scenic vistas, night skiing and anything else about your location. If photos can be taken on a sunny day, all the better.
- REsize the photos before sending to a smaller resolution, around 2000 pixels on the longer dimension, if you can, please.
I will post the map from your club’s site and I will write up a short description about your trails. I may wish to chat on the phone with someone in the know to help with writing it.
Most of the posted reviews on this site were first visited by me to scout the trails before a write-up. As locations get farther afield from my Toronto home, and the ski season seems to get shorter, this has gotten difficult to do. So I need to ask others to help me share all the wonderful Nordic trail locations in Ontario. (that includes you guys in North Western Ontario, nudge nudge)

Broken Links & Site Updates – Every year I fix broken site links and try to stay on top of changes in our winter sport. Rarely do I get notices sent my way when changes are made to trails and the club status. I wish ski clubs/government depts. would, as it would serve us all better. But hey, much of it is run by only a few volunteers, so I understand. You want to ski; no time to promote, (yet your should!)
If you as a visitor to my site encounter any broken links or know of updates I need to tend to, please send a quick note to alert me. It is impossible for me to stay on top of everything and this would benefit our community. Thanx
Here is a list of what changes I recently saw:
- The Ottawa SJAM has a new name – Kichi Sibi (Is this a catchy name?)
- Ottawa’s Heritage East is now 10 km longer
- Windy Lake has made some trail changes
- New map updates for Limberlost Forest, Kawartha, Wasi, North Bay Nordic, Wye Marsh
- Snow Conditions page – Location links have been refreshed and more added
And I had a little fun generating some Nordic clipart using AI tech. I have shot and bought stock photography in the past. There is never enough choice, so I made my own with MS Copilot. It is quick, free and works, though rather generic. And if you look closely, it is still not good at rendering limbs, skis, snowshoes, boots and poles. LOL
Have a Great winter season outdoors! – Dan Roitner